Behold, the brand new Lost in Woodlands Photography website!
I have been working hard on a new website and a new online store for the last two weeks .
This new site is much more complete, with totally renovated galleries and with much and more rich content than the previous one.
This is the reason why I have also created this blog in which I will be posting articles about everything related to this project.
Above all, I’m going to focus on articles about my photographic outings and I will also use it as a diary or binnacle of my photographic trips.
The main idea is writing about my experiences during the travels, short stories about photographic outings and the visits I’ll made to some special locations. I’ll try to include some advices and photographic tips also!
In addition, there will also be posts related to gear/equipment reviews and even tutorials!
The main idea is creating a small community to enjoy and learn together.
As I said before, the online store has been renovated completly. I have added new Fine Art Print and Merchandising.
These are professional quality prints of a selection of my best photographs.
Take a look!
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